K9 Educators - To Save a Pets Life

Episode 5: Dogs and Fireworks- Strategies for Dog Owners!

Season 1 Episode 5

Is your dog stressed by fireworks? Fireworks are a fun and exciting way to celebrate holidays like Independence Day. For dogs, though, those loud booms and flashing lights aren’t so fun and are dog gone frightening! Fireworks bring a whole new set of fears as they are closer to the ground, accompanied by sudden booms, flashes and burning smells. Dogs experience the world through their senses — nose, eyes, ears. The typical Fourth of July celebration can be overwhelming to them.

 Fortunately, there are plenty of simple strategies for dog owners. We have asked Dog trainer Jennifer Skiba from Namastay training to join us as we’ve rounded up all the tips you need to help your pet have a successful holiday.

We hope you enjoy the episode!

To speak with Jennifer she can be contacted at: www.namastaytraining.com